A brief review about your time at IBSB
I joined IBSB in Year 5, leaving at the end of Year 7, only to return in Year 10 just in time for my IGCSEs. I’ve greatly enjoyed my time at IBSB, as I’ve always tried to be as active as possible in school life. I participated in multiple school plays and public speaking competitions in the primary school. More recently, I’ve competed in debate competitions with other schools and gone on expeditions with the Duke of Edinburgh Club. I was also selected as a Student Council representative for my class in Years 10 and 11 and as Senior School Prefect in Year 12.

What would you like to study at University?
I am taking Further Mathematics, Physics, Economics, and History for my A-levels. I am not completely sure what path I want to take in the future, but I see it being connected to either Computer Science or Engineering.

In what way have your experiences at IBSB helped to shape you into the person you are today?
My experience at IBSB has helped me understand the way I study and learn, and how to improve it. I’ve enjoyed all of the school’s activities, because I have been able to spend time with my classmates and friends and be productive at the same time. I’m grateful to IBSB for providing with so many extra-curricular opportunities that have enabled me to meet so many wonderful people, both across the school and within the local and wider school community, which includes students from other international schools through interschool events.

Please provide a brief description of some of your treasured memories from your time at IBSB
My best memories from IBSB are from spending time with my peers. My best memories to date at IBSB all in involve spending time with my peers. Whether it be working together on our debate speeches or having fun on our primary school residential trips, I have had tons of fun. I particularly remember the 2019 Winston Churchill Debate Competition, in which I got to meet and talk to students from other schools, including students from other countries. I also got to know my teammates better by working closely together with them.

Which IBSB teachers stand out as having had a positive impact on your education?
All of my teachers have had a positive impact on me to some extent, but there are a couple that stand out to me. Mr Pantella, my Year 11 form tutor, was always very helpful and understanding. Mr Hudson, my history teacher, helped supervise us on our Duke of Edinburgh trips and always has the funniest activities in his classes.