Student Support and Wellbeing
At IBSB we view personal development as much a part of our curriculum as English, Science, and Mathematics. We recognise that the values, attitudes, self-confidence, self-awareness, and life skills that our pupils take out into the world with them are just as important in helping them to succeed in life, and be happy, as their academic knowledge and qualifications gained whilst at IBSB.
From their very first day on campus, students receive collegial support in a number of ways. On the morning of arrival, each student is paired up with another student carefully selected with similar interests to match the profile of the new student. This student will chaperon the new student through the first week of school, helping them to adjust to the IBSB programme and way of life.
Students are also placed into a house as a part of the House System, with brothers and sisters placed into the same house to ensure there is also a house spirit within each family. Students are awarded house points for positive behaviour, with house meetings and events taking place on a regular basis. Please refer to the School Life area of the website for more information on the House System.
For students needing extra support, we have a Teacher Mentoring System in place, as well as a Prefect Mentoring System, whereby a teacher or Senior Prefect is assigned to support a specific student.
We also have two qualitied Student Counsellors on campus to support the emotional-social development of our students, with both individual and group support available as needed. Please refer to Student Counselling Support.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
lt is the policy of this school that a child with a Special Educational Need has the same entitlement and consideration as every other child in the school.
Research indicates one in five children may have a Special Educational Need at some time during their education. It is also true that students do not all learn in the same way.
When a specific learning need is identified, parents are informed and an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) is prepared in consultation with parents to ensure each child’s needs are met both in school and at home.
IBSB is a member of the National Association for Special Educational Needs (NASEN) in the UK with staff having full access to the necessary resources and training need to provide effective SEND support.
“Pupils needing dedicated SEND or EAL support achieve well, thanks to highly effective provision.”
Student counselling services can be accessed by any student enrolled at the International British School of Bucharest, at the request of the student, a member of staff, or parent- our student counsellors are all qualified, experienced professionals aware of the issues students commonly face as they grow from children to young adults.
At the start every academic year, our student counsellors take the time to introduce themselves to every student across the school on a class by class basis, to ensure the students know who the student counsellors are, where their offices are located, and in what ways they can support our students.
When students first meet with a student counsellor, they are assured confidentiality, but are also informed that in a situation where there is a genuine concern for their safety and wellbeing or that of another person, the information shared will be passed on to the Designated Safe Guarding Lead (DSL).
Students are advised to make an appointment, with an open door policy maintained during breaks and lunchtime, to ensure students are able to speak with a student counsellor at the earliest possible opportunity.

Delia Ciobanu
Primary School Student Counsellor

Cristina Latcu
Secondary School Student Counsellor
Child safeguarding is considered to be of paramount importance at the International British School of Bucharest. All staff receive annual training on the latest safeguarding protocols and procedures, with select staff, including academic members of the Senior Leadership Team, student counsellors, and or key members of staff receiving Advanced Child Safeguarding training.
Recruitment staff, including the Head of HR, and each of the Heads of School, receive annual Safer Recruitment Training, with all necessary child safeguarding checks carried out and registered in the Staff’s Central Record (SCR), which is an essential requirement of all DfE BSO inspected schools. For more information on Child Safeguarding protocols and procedures, please refer to the Whole School Child Safeguarding Policy on the school website.