Early Years Coordinator Message
The open plan indoor leaning spaces are warm and bright, with attentive staff on hand to engage in positive interaction and conversations, providing the gentle encouragement needed to enable your child to grow in confidence with each step taken.Our students learn from the very first day that making mistakes is as an important step on the road to mastery, because we know children learn more when they feel confident and brave enough to try something new without the fear of making mistakes. Our children are explorers and risk-takers, developing the competencies needed to become highly successful High Performance Learners.
Being a parent myself, I understand how it feels sending your child somewhere new. It is not easy to let go their hand, as they take their first tentative steps without you there beside them. For this reason, we place great importance on communication, with systems in place to support daily communication with the class teachers to ensure you are right there with us, every step of the way.
Our experience has taught us that every child can make good progress with the right support, and that many and in fact most of our students go on to excel – we believe this comes from our teachers and parents working closely together in partnership toward common goals.
I feel privileged to be part of a dynamic, forward thinking team that puts each child at the heart of everything we do. As our Early Years Centre continues to grow, so do our learning spaces and our practices, as we seek to be positive role models of lifelong learning, engaged in the process of continuing professional development to ensure we provide a curriculum that is able to keep pace with a rapidly changing world.
Our job put quite simply, is to make sure your child loves coming to school and is successful on their learning journey, ready for the new challenges and excitement that await them in Year 1.