‘You better watch out, you better not cry
You better not pout, I’m telling you why, cause
(Santa Claus is coming, is coming to town)’
This year’s carol service began with Head of School, Mr Peet, welcoming all present and thanking Ms Evi and the students for all their hard work preparing the carols and the readings, and Father Terry for once again allowing the IBSB community to hold its annual service at the Biserica Anglicana. He then reminded everyone present that Christmas, above all else, is a time of giving: to give thanks for all that we have, and to give to those in need, going on to thank everyone for supporting the various IBSB student-led charity initiatives. He also encouraged everyone present to commit to a New Year’s resolution that would contribute to solving global warming, by buying eco-friendly products, recycling, individually reducing our use of fossil fuels, or eating less meat, saying that it is up to each and every one of us to ensure a greener, cleaner world for future generations.
With the formalities out of the way, it was on to the carols and readings. The student readers for this year included Carla Dumitru (Y6), Ana Wang (Y6), Priya Vijaykumar (Y6), Melissa Aydogan (Y11), Irina Chemencedji (Y12), Alex Serban (Y12), and Max Mihailovici (Y12).
The carols selected by Ms Evi, and performed by the IBSB Student Choir, included ‘Salve Regina’, ‘Joy to the World’, ‘Adeste Fideles’, ‘Ode to Joy’, ‘Carol of the Bells’, ‘Hallelujah’, and ‘Deck the Halls’.
What better way to bring the first term to an official end, than for the IBSB community to come together to give thanks, to celebrate, to look to the future with a sense of hope and promise, and to sing Christmas carols, wishing peace and goodwill to all mankind.
Wishing everyone a very ‘Merry Christmas’ and a ‘Happy New Year!’