Teacher Training Centre
As a leader in international education, it is important to provide our teaching staff with the resources needed to remain at the forefront on educational pedagogy and practice.
Teaching staff working at the International British School of Bucharest have the opportunity to access a wide variety of teacher training courses and resources to support their continuing professional development, including, but not exclusively limited to the following:
- Educare Online Courses (300 certified courses to choose from)
- National College Online Courses (200 certified courses to choose from)
- CAIE and Edexcel IGCSE and A Level Courses (Introduction, Advanced, Assessment, Marking)
- Assessment Only (AO) route to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)
- Early Career Teacher (ECT) Induction
- DfE National Professional Qualifications (NPQs)
- High Performance Learning (HPL) Teacher Accreditations
- NACE MAT Training
- Professional Learning Communities (PLC): IBSB, COBIS, Black Sea Schools, & HPL World Class Schools
- Visiting professional trainers
- International Educational Conferences
- Interschool visits

The traditional route to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) is to study full time at university, either completing an undergraduate BA degree in Education, or an undergraduate/master degree/Phd in a speciality subject, followed by a 1 year postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE) or diploma (PGDE) qualifying you to teach.
Assessment only route to QTS for unqualified teachers
If you are working in a school as an unqualified teacher, you may be eligible to apply for QTS via the 12 week ‘Assessment Only’ (AO) route. The AO route provides candidates with a unique opportunity to gain QTS, enabling experienced teachers to demonstrate they meet the QTS standards without the need for further training. Candidates need to prepare a detailed evidence portfolio prior to their teaching being assessed in school by a QTS assessor (during a single visit).
Standard Entry requirements
- Undergraduate degree or a recognised equivalent qualification
- GCSE grade C/ 4 or above in Mathematics and English Language
- Evidence of current competency in fundamental English and Maths
- For Primary teaching, a GCSE grade C/4 or above in Science
- A minimum of 2 years’ teaching experience in at least two schools
- Teaching experience in two different key stages
- Be employed full-time as a teacher in a BSO accredited school
- Have the full support of your school to undertake the AO
- Prepare a detailed audit of your teaching experience
- Provide evidence of an Enhanced DBS/ICPC/Police check and fitness to teach check
‘Assessment Only’ route applications are made directly to the provider – you will need to check the relevant website for specific course information, tuitions fees, and entry requirements. Fees range from approximately £1500-£4000 for UK citizens and £4000-£10,000 for non UK citizens.
Below is a selection of UK providers offering the QTS ‘Assessment Only’ route:
Bath Spa University assessmentonly@bathspa.ac.uk
Birmingham City University assessmentonlyqts@bcu.ac.uk
Buckingham International School of Education admissions@bise.org
Canterbury Christ Church University pgadmissions@canterbury.ac.uk
Durham University ed.ite@durham.ac.uk
Educational Success Partners (ESP)** mark@espeducation.co.uk
Goldsmiths, University of London ao@gold.ac.uk
Kingston University aoenquiries@kingston.ac.uk
Leeds Trinity University admissions@leedstrinity.ac.uk
London Metropolitan University assessmentQTS@londonmet.ac.uk
London South Bank University qtsao@lsbu.ac.uk
Middlesex University AO@mdx.ac.uk
Nottingham Trent University applications@ntu.ac.uk
Oxford Brookes University assessment-only-qts@brookes.ac.uk
Staffordshire University J.Bartrop@staffs.ac.uk
St Mary’s University * ao@stmarys.ac.uk
TES Institute (International* institute@tesglobal.com
University College Birmingham m.jeavons@ucb.ac.uk
University of Buckingham education@buckingham.ac.uk
University of Chester qtsonlyroute@chester.ac.uk
University of Chichester ao@chi.ac.uk
University of Cumbria qtsdirect@cumbria.ac.uk
University of Derby * askadmissions@derby.ac.uk
University of East London b.wilby@uel.ac.uk
University of Greenwich courseinfo@gre.ac.uk
University of Hertfordshire AOenquiries@herts.ac.uk
University of Northampton admissions@northampton.ac.uk
University of Reading vrs17a3@reading.ac.uk
University of Sunderland ** jill.wilkinson@sunderland.ac.uk
University of Sussex AOQTS@sussex.ac.uk
University of Warwick cte.admissions@warwick.ac.uk
University of Winchester ao@winchester.ac.uk
University of Wolverhampton – primary AOPrimary@wlv.ac.uk
University of Wolverhampton – secondary AOSecondary@wlv.ac.uk
* Assessment only providers for non-UK citizens
* Assessment only providers used by teachers at IBSB
Assessment only route to QTS | Get Into Teaching GOV.UK (education.gov.uk)
To enquire about the possibility of completing an ‘Assessment Only’ route programme with one of the above providers whilst working at the International British School of Bucharest, please contact recruitment@ibsb.ro.
To teach without restrictions in English state maintained schools, teachers who have completed their Initial Teacher Training (ITT), earning Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), must successfully complete a 2 year ECT induction period, equivalent to six terms of teaching, and thereafter continue to meet the Department for Education (DfE) Teachers’ Standards.
Eligibility of schools to offer ECT induction
There were no changes to the statutory eligibility of international induction with the introduction of the new ECF and ECT induction on the September 1st, 2021. Induction under current regulations remains, as it has done since 2012, exclusively available internationally to schools who:
- Have undertaken a DfE BSO inspection within the last 6 years
- Please refer to the full IBSB ISI Inspection Report, September 2022
- Are full members of a DfE recognised membership association for British Schools Overseas
- IBSB are a member of both AoBSO and COBIS
- Work with a DfE appointed body to support ECTs
- IBSB work directly with ESP, the official agency supporting BSO ECT induction
The International British School of Bucharest, as the first DfE inspected school in Romania, has been offering NQT/ECT induction since 2012.
Applying to complete your ECT induction programme @IBSB
If you have completed your ITT, have QTS, and would like to complete your ECT induction programme at the International British School of Bucharest, please contact recrutiment@ibsb.ro to express your interest, and enquire about ECT positions available for the next academic year.
For more information about BSO ECT induction, please refer to the ESP ECT Induction Handbook.
IBSB is a UCL NPQ Delivery Partner for DfE National Professional Qualifications.
Why choose a UCL NPQ?
- UCL IOE is number one globally for Education in the QS World University Rankings.
- UCL have been designing and delivering NPQs since their inception 30 years ago.
- UCL programmes are designed to grow ‘Learning Leaders’ who question, reflect, learn, and apply their learning to improvements that lead to desired outcomes” (Stoll 2020).
- All UCL NPQs, uniquely, include an implementation project that allows teachers to apply their leadership learning within their school context.
- UCL programmes are informed by research and practice, designed and delivered through collaborative partnerships between UCL and carefully selected outstanding international educational delivery partners.
Please click on the link below for programme specific information, including deadlines for registration. For Course Fees, refer to section below.
- NPQ Leading Primary Mathematics (NPQLPM) [12 months]
- NPQ Leading Literacy (NPQLL) [12 months]
- NPQ Leading Teaching (NPQLT) [12 months]
- NPQ Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD) [12 months]
- NPQ Leading Behaviour and Culture (NPQLBC) [12 months]
- NPQ Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL) [18 months]
- NPQ Senior Leadership (NPQSL) [18 months]
- NPQ Headship (NPQH) [18 months]
IBSB Course Fees
Following the receipt of your application and confirmation of availability in the next cohort, an invoice will be issued, payable directly to IBSB prior to the start of the course.
Programme | Fee (incl. VAT) |
NPQ for Leading Primary Mathematics (NPQLPM) | € 795.00 |
NPQ for Leading Literacy (NPQLL) | € 795.00 |
NPQ for Leading Teaching (NPQLT) | € 795.00 |
NPQ for Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD) | € 795.00 |
NPQ for Leading Behaviour and Culture (NPQLBC) | € 795.00 |
NPQ for Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL) | € 1095.00 |
NPQ for Senior Leadership (NPQSL) | € 1095.00 |
NPQ for Headship (NPQH) | € 1475.00 |
How to apply
Applications should be made directly through the Department for Education Website. You can register for a national professional qualification (NPQ) here.
When asked to select a provider, please click:
University College London (UCL) Institute of Education
- IMPORTANT NOTICE – all applicants require a TRN to register with the DfE. If you do not have a TRN, please email the Teaching Regulation enquiries@education.gov.uk stating you require a TRN to be created to enrol for an NPQ course, attaching a copy of your ID. The Teacher Qualifications Agency will issue you with a TRN, which you will need to access your certificate once you have passed the required Moderation. Processing a TRN can take up to 4 weeks, so apply early.
Once registered you will receive an email from UCL within 48 hours asking you to complete a short UCL IOE enrolment form. This starts your enrolment and gives you access to key information for the start of your programme. The form requires headteacher/principal’s and line manager details.
When selecting your delivery partner, please select:
The Black Sea Group of Schools (IBSB is the UCL NPQ delivery partner for this group and Eastern European region)
- Deadline to register with IBSB: Friday, September 20, 2024
- Deadline to register with Department for Education (DfE): Monday, September 30, 2024
- Deadline to register with IBSB: tbc
- Deadline to register with Department for Education (DfE): tbc
Introduction to the HPL Teacher Certification Award Scheme
HPL Teacher Certification forms one of the hallmark opportunities available to teaching staff at the International British School of Bucharest, as a member of the Fellowship and Global Community of HPL accredited schools. The awards are designed around sets of competencies for 6 areas of performance to recognise the progress and achievements of individual staff on their HPL journey, yielding benefits for both the students and the teachers.
There are currently three awards available:
The HPL Teacher is internally assessed in school by an internal assessor trained by HPL. The Expert Teacher and Teacher Leader awards are assessed externally by HPL personnel, with moderation in place to ensure the quality and consistency of assessment.
Evidence Requirements
There are three inter-connected parts to the requirements for each award:
- The self-evaluation, in which you rate where you are against the standards using a traffic light system, should be completed on the self-evaluation pro-forma which is obtainable from your TCO. There is a different self-evaluation form for each award. These are similar, but different from the pre-evaluation tools.
- The reflective commentary that talks about your journey to achieving the standards, illustrates progress over time, outlines how you have identified and adapted your practice accordingly and how you have shared your experiences and materials in school and, through HPL Online, with the wider HPL community. This should be embedded within your self-evaluation as it provides an important source of evidence against the criteria in several sections.
- The portfolio of evidence in support of the self-evaluation will comprise of a range of evidence materials linked to each of the criteria.
For more details on the HPL Teacher Accreditation Scheme please click on the following links:
HPL Teacher Accreditation PowerPoint
HPL Teacher Certification Guidance
HPL Teacher Optional framework for Professional Learning Plan
HPL Expert Teacher Optional framework for Professional Learning Plan
HPL Teacher Leader Optional framework for Professional Learning Plan
To enquire about the HPL Teacher Accreditation Scheme at the International British School of Bucharest, please contact recruitment@ibsb.ro.