
Predeal, 2014 – finding out what it takes to earn a DOE bronze certificate

October 1, 2014

The initial wet weather made this mountain adventure more leisurely than originally planned, which ultimately worked in our favour as we spent two days acquiring survival skills, which included starting our own fires, and climbing through the treetops in Brasov, before heading off to enjoy two sunny days of trekking in the great outdoors, to both confront and make peace with nature and her elements.

Along the trail on the first day of trekking- some six hours under a sun beaming down from above- we managed to capture some wonderful photographs of Romanian’s stunningly vibrant wonders as they unfolded. Thankfully a night of rest back at the hotel replenished our energy levels and boosted the morale, leaving us more ready than ever to spend a night under the stars the next night. The next day more hiking, plus rock climbing and bungee jumping, with fantastic weather to boot, made for another brilliant day- the children even managed to prepare their own hot lunch, peeling potatoes and all!

With two dogs protecting us throughout the night, most slept comfortably. The camp fire cookout, along with an unlimited supply of laughter, made for a terrific last night to an undoubtedly excellent week.