
IBSB Green Team Tree Planting Day

April 5, 2017

With spring finally here, what better way to celebrate than heading out into nature to recharge our batteries! The IBSB Tree Planting weekend gave us the perfect opportunity to do this, and at the same do something good for the environment.

Working with our community partner, the Children’s Forest Association, around 50 IBSB students, parents, and staff headed north on Saturday, March 25th, to help replant the former Vlasiei Woods, located to the SW of Ploiesti.

As you can see from the photos there is a lot of work to be done- not a tree in site- but with so many hands contributing to the project, the woodlands and forests will be back in no time.

Thank you to all those that came along to help out. It was a lovely community event, and a great way to teach our children about the importance of reforestation projects and sustainable living. A special thank you to Ms Orla O’Dwyer and Ms Johanna Croci for rallying the troops and making this event possible- you each get an additional ring to your already bright halos.

This was our first IBSB Green Team Tree Planting outing and it certainly won’t be our last!

For more information about how you can get involved in replanting Romania, please visit: (an environmental NGO working for community development through afforestation (creating forests where they did not exist for hundreds of years). The afforestation program is 100% sustained by private funding, and is working to restore degraded lands in Romania, creating a valuable legacy for the future generations.