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Events for November 2023

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Calendar of Events

Calendar of Events

Nude Food Week

Nude Food Week

Y7/8 House Games

Halloween Party

PS Halloween Party

Nude Food Week

Y7/8 Spanish Trip to Mina Museum

Nude Food Week

Y2T Reptiland Trip

Y9/10 Spanish Trip to Mina Museum

Nude Food Week

International School Chess Competition

LIE Bonfire Night Celebrations

Y9/11 Boys Autumn Football Cup 2023


WS Anti-Bullying Week (Odd Socks Day)

Century Winter Cup

Century Winter Cup

Century Winter Cup

Century Winter Cup

Century Winter Cup

Century Winter Cup

Century Winter Cup

Remembrance Day

Century Winter Cup

Anti Bullying Week

SWC European High School Debate Comp

Century Winter Cup

Anti Bullying Week

PS Parent Evenings

Odd Socks Day

Century Winter Cup

Anti Bullying Week

PS Parent Evenings

Y9 Options Evening (for parents) with MT

PS COBIS Maths Competition

Century Winter Cup

Anti Bullying Week

PS Parent Evenings

PS COBIS Maths Competition

DofEIA Bronze and Silver Expeditions

Century Winter Cup

PS COBIS Maths Competition

DofEIA Bronze and Silver Expeditions

Century Winter Cup

PS COBIS Maths Competition


Century Winter Cup

PS COBIS Maths Competition

Century Winter Cup

PS COBIS Maths Competition

Century Winter Cup

PS COBIS Maths Competition

Century Winter Cup

PS COBIS Maths Competition

Century Winter Cup

PS COBIS Maths Competition

Parent Workshop: How to set healthy boundaries with your children

Century Winter Cup

PS COBIS Maths Competition

Deadline for Re-enrolment

Century Winter Cup

PS COBIS Maths Competition

Century Winter Cup

PS COBIS Maths Competition

Century Winter Cup

New enrolments accepted

Century Winter Cup

Century Winter Cup

Romanian National Day (non-uniform)

Romanian National Day (Students can wear traditional Romanian clothing)

Century Winter Cup

St Andrew’s Day (national holiday)

Century Winter Cup

Romanian National Day (national holiday)

Century Winter Cup

Century Winter Cup

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