Paper Tree
Supporting: The Paper Tree and the Environment Committee
Paper Tree is a project that encourages the responsible use of resources. The main goal is to promote the reduction of paper waste and to recycle the paper discarded on our school’s campus. The paper is collected in the designated Paper Tree boxes located in each of the classrooms, then sorted and transported by the volunteers to the nearest recycling site. Paper Tree volunteers also play an active role in promoting sustainable practices during the Primary School Sustainability Week, organise events to raise funds for conservation and spread awareness about global events such as Earth Hour.
Aim and activities: Through our projects we are trying to raise awareness of environmental problems and educate all the members of our school community to be responsible users of resources.
The Paper Tree initiative: On each Thursday we collect the used paper that has been properly disposed in the Paper Tree containers, we package the paper ecologically (no plastic bags are used in the process), we sell the paper to a nearby recycling centre (0.15 RON / 1 kg), we invest the money back in to the project – buy plants or use it to raise environmental awareness.
How can you help:
- Use paper on both sides before you throw it away.
- Don’t print unless you have to! (If you are a student and your teacher agrees you can send the homework via e-mail)
- If you decided that there is no other way to use the paper and you must throw it away, put it in the nice plastic boxes that are in each class and we’ll give it a second life by recycling.
- Drink from a reusable bottle instead of a plastic cup.
- Separate biodegradable garbage from recyclable materials at home.
You should be prepared to:
- Do manual, physical labour (sorting and transporting paper)
- Organise fundraising events (e.g. Chinese New Year, Earth Hour)
- Prepare and give presentations/ organise activities with younger students (e.g. Sustainability Week)
The project is suitable for students who:
- Are environmentally aware and engage in environmental protection
- Are happy to do physical work
- Are willing to promote environmental causes in our school environment, primarily by encouraging colleagues to engage in environmental initiatives.
Our inspiration: