Secondary School Prefects
The IBSB Senior School Prefects play an important role in helping to support both students and teachers in maintaining vibrant life on an around the school campus. Prefects assist new students in their adjustment to life at IBSB; they act as liaisons between students and faculty; they act as ambassadors of the school touring parents around the campus and special events; they are academic mentors for students needing extra help; they are student mentors for students needing extra support or maybe a friend to help them through a difficult time; they monitor the school to ensure that bullying does not take place; and they help the teachers run the school in many areas.
Each Prefect is assigned both a Primary and Senior class to support, which they visit on a regular basis to get to know the students, and in addition to this they also have specific duties, such as being the Editor of TIV, or the Year book, or Science Prefect, or Music Prefect, Lunchroom Prefect, etc. As a part of their function they have fortnightly meetings to discuss the problems that they see arising in the school and then work together as a team to solve these problems. Through regular meetings with the Head of Secondary they also help plan social and educational activities for the school. In this way they function as an integral extension of the faculty and administration.
Prefect selection is open to all Sixth Form Students and is based on academic performance, character, behaviour, and attendance. Students need to have attended IBSB for a minimum of 2 years to apply for a Senior Prefect position.
Primary School Prefects
Being given the title and position of Prefect is an honour and a privilege offered to the best, brightest, most talented students in Year 6 willing and able to take on the responsibility. Prefects are required to take on extra duties in addition to their normal studies and extracurricular activities and expected to behave in an exemplary manner at all times, setting the standard by which the other students measure themselves.
Primary School Prefects play a crucial role in ensuring the ethos of the school carries across to all areas of school life. They treat all students equally and fairly and work to ensure that the students are cared for and supported. It is important for Primary Prefects to listen to students and to offer help and advice when needed. There may be new students who feel alone or left out and in this situation Primary Prefects take a lead role in making these students feel welcome and included in life and IBSB. In many ways Primary Prefects play a big brother or sister role and look at the student body as an extended family. There should be no favouritism or prejudice; at all times Primary Prefects should appear friendly, approachable, fair and just. In essence, being a Primary School Prefect means representing IBSB in the best way possible and caring for the wellbeing of the students. So, the more a Primary Prefect thinks of others, the better they are fulfilling their role as a Primary School Prefect.