More Able and Talented
The education of more able and in some cases exceptionally able learners is a whole-school endeavour helping to raise the levels of progress and attainment of all learners in a school. Providing additional challenge for more and exceptionally able learners, those working within higher bands of achievement, is about creating a curriculum and providing learning opportunities that allow all children to flourish.
If your son or daughter has a special ability or talent, we will actively look for opportunities to celebrate this at school, providing the positive encouragement and ongoing support they will need to develop and become all they can be and more.
All teaching within IBSB is differentiated within the classroom. In some cases, this may mean having three completely different worksheets for the students working at different levels; in others, it many mean offering the students who finish quickly more challenging extension exercises. lt can also be seen as the stronger students working with the weaker students in buddy pairs – to reinforce the knowledge and improve the communication skills of the stronger students, building confidence and promoting leadership skills and qualities, whilst providing valuable support to those students in need of a little extra help.
As a High Performance Learning School, we believe in the potential of every student.
The philosophy of High Performance Learning starts from the following key principles:
● High academic performance is attainable for everyone.
● We can systematically teach students how to be ‘intelligent’ and how to succeed in school.
● There are 20 generic characteristics which students need to develop if they are to become high performers in cognitive domains (ACPs) and 10 values, attitudes, and attributes (VAAs) that develop the wider learner dispositions needed for cognitive and lifetime success.
● HPL World Class Schools produce students that are both intellectually and socially confident, ready to succeed in higher education, in their future careers, and in life as individuals with a global outlook and a concern for others and the environment.
High Performance Learning provides a practical framework to transform learning, actively involving students and parents in the learning experience, thereby continuing the IBSB tradition of working with ‘Parents as partners in education’, that is central to the learning journey of each and every student at IBSB.
Additional challenge is also provided through the IBSB Extracurricular Programme, which includes a wide variety of clubs, talent shows, school productions, public speaking competitions, debating competitions, national and international academic competitions, Model United Nation Conferences, Sports Competitions, educational trips, and a well-developed work experience programme.
Students are encouraged to take on additional responsibility by becoming a member of the Primary School Pupils’ Parliament or Secondary School Student Executive, a House Captain, a Primary School Ambassador, or a Senior School Prefect. There are also regular opportunities to present and perform in public at weekly assemblies or at one of the many school events on the school calendar.
As members of the National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE), our staff foster an ethos of high expectations and aspirations with ongoing teacher support and development.