The School Day
The school day in EYFS is both challenging and fun, with hands-on activities, and a holistic approach to learning used to connect what happens in the classroom to the world in which we live. When planning lessons we consider the individual needs, interests and stage of development of each child in the class to ensure that we engage our children in the learning process, challenging each child to develop skills and knowledge across the curriculum. Active participation is encouraged in a supportive, caring environment where children are taught to view mistakes as a natural part of the learning process. In all areas of learning and development, we work closely with parents, communicating on a daily basis and involving parents in the learning journey that is designed to take place both at school and at home.
The school gates open at 8.15 am- for parents wishing to take advantage of an early drop off- with students able to enjoy playing in the school yard supervised by a teacher until EYFS morning registration at 9.00am.
The EYFS programme is a free flow programme, enabling students to have the option to enjoy both the indoors and outdoors, with a number of areas set up with different learning focuses for the students to choose from.
There are three Circle Times a day, which focus on Mathematics, Literacy, and Understanding the world, with various hands-on activities organised throughout the day to support developing skills associated with Expressive arts and design and to facilitate children’s general understanding, coordination and control. At all times children are encouraged to communicate openly, to share, and be respectful toward one another.
There is a snack at 10am, lunch at 12.00, with the school day coming to an end at 3.00pm.
For those parents working, a letter will go out at the start of the year inviting parents to register their children for the afterschool club, running from 3.00-5.00pm. There is an additional termly charge for this service.
widen your personal interests.