
Duke of Edinburgh Awards Ceremony

May 19, 2016

We congratulate Maria (Year 13), who is the third IBSB student to obtain her Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award!

The Award was presented in an official Ceremony in Brasov. 56 young people taking part in the programme, from Brasov, Fagaras, Cluj, Bacau and Bucharest were rewarded for their exceptional progress and for completing the four sections of the Award: Service, Skills, Physical Recreation and the Adventurous Journey.

As part of her Service, Maria supported the academic and emotional needs of a gifted 12 year-old boy. Maria helped the boy develop his self-esteem and motivation, while training her listening skills. She did this activity under the supervision of our Educational Psychologist, Ms Aida Ivan.

For her Skills section of the Award, Maria chose to learn how to cook. A very useful skill, especially as she is preparing to leave to university this summer. She has gradually advanced from preparing simple, fresh meals to more complex and demanding recipes. She is now able to cook a range of healthy dishes.

For her Physical recreation Maria continued improving her tennis practice.

Embarking on one of the most demanding and ambitious adventurous journeys, Maria hiked the peak route of the Piatra Craiului Mountains, from Vf. Ascutit to Piscul Baciului and came to Bucharest as a winner!

Maria has also completed her sections for the Gold Award, and she is eagerly awaiting the official ceremony that will recognise her achievements this autumn.

We are proud to have had Maria as our student, as she is a model of initiative, drive, and involvement. A worthy example to follow for all our pupils, and not only!