Adoptă o Casă la Roșia Montană
Name of the project: Supporting “Adoptă o Casă la Roșia Montană”
Adoptă o Casă la Roșia Montană is a cultural heritage, community rescue and protection programme. It aims to protect and promote the UNESCO heritage site’s spectacular historic environment. Our main goal is to raise funds for the restoration of the historical buildings of Roșia Montană.
The Adoptă o Casă @IBSB project started in July 2022. So far we had two summer volunteering residential trips to Roșia Montană. Last year, Adoptă o Casă organised:
– The World Gold Day
– Movie Night
– Autographs Auction
– IBSB Basketball Tournament
This project is suitable for students who:
– Aim for a career in architecture/ engineering
– Have an interest in lobbying and advocacy
– Are interested in volunteering for two weeks over
the summer holiday on Rosia Montana restoration sites
Please access this link to find out more: Adoptă o Casă