The School Day
Throughout the school day our children are engaged in a wide range of activities intended to motivate and inspire them to strive for excellence and to see learning as fun and enjoyable. In all their activities our children are encouraged to work together and to share and appreciate those around them in school, as well as those living in different countries, to develop tolerance and culture understanding, which is one of the rewards of receiving an international education. Throughout the year the children will have the opportunity to go on Educational Visits to learn about different aspects of the local community, with residential trips planned at different points of the year.
See Sample Timetable:
Although parents are welcome to drop their children off at school from 8.00 am (as staff on are duty from this time in the school playground), the Primary School day officially begins at 8.30am with morning line-up directly in front of the Primary School. During line up the class teachers will check to see that the students are all dressed properly and will be available to speak to the parents briefly if parents need to inform class teachers of anything special.
From 8.30-9.00am students will be in class for morning registration and morning starter activities
Every morning the first two lessons are devoted to English and Mathematics with a strong focus on developing literacy and numeracy skills in all our children. There is a short break from 9.45-10.00am, with a third lesson scheduled before the lunch break, which could be a Cross Curricular class, Physical Education (PE), a Modern Foreign Language (MFL), PSHE, Computing (ICT), Music or Romanian.
PSHE is a class which focuses on developing critical life skills relating to being healthy and happy, developing good relationships, improving study skills, learning about money, work, the community and the skills and information needed to help you survive in the work that awaits you after graduating from IBSB.
The Primary School students have a staggered lunch break in two stages between 11.45am and 12.35pm.
Student registration takes place twice a day, in the morning and directly after lunch. Student attendance is entered into the school computer system (Schoolbase) which parents can access online at any time with parent login details.
Assemblies throughout the week provide opportunities for children and teachers to reflect on aspects of life, studies, and the world around us, and to celebrate good achievement and contribution to school. When there is not an assembly scheduled, students have the opportunity to enjoy some extra reading as a part of the extended reading programme, which usually happens three times per week.
After the students have eaten their lunch, enjoyed some play time in the school playground, and then had an assembly or quiet reading to settle down, they are ready to concentrate on their fourth lesson of the day, which will focus on one of the key areas of the Primary School Curriculum.
Almost an hour and a half of concentrating and working hard in class, the students will take a short break to refresh before their final lesson and club time.
The fifth and final lesson of the day will again focus on one of the key areas of the Primary School Curriculum.
The official school day finishes at 3.00pm, with a variety of extra-curricular Primary School Clubs on offer from Monday to Thursday, ending at 3.50pm. Clubs play a key role in the Primary Curriculum and parents are encouraged to sign their children up for a club each day. The majority of clubs are run by school staff and are free of charge. Where an outside instructor is brought in to run a specialist club, a minimal fee will be charged.