
Learning to deal with negative emotions

May 13, 2023

Although it might be ideal that we don’t always experience positive emotions, the negative emotions are as important part of our experience as the positive ones.

Dealing with grief and loss, however, can be a difficult and challenging experience for anyone, especially for a young person still learning to how to manage their emotions.

As a school counsellor, I understand the importance of providing support and guidance to students and their families during these times. Here are some tips and strategies for students and parents to help navigate grief and loss:

For Students

Talk to Someone You Trust
When dealing with grief and loss, it’s important to talk to someone you trust. This can be a friend, a family member, or a school counsellor. Sharing your feelings and emotions can help you process your grief and find comfort and support.

Take Care of Yourself
Taking care of yourself is crucial when dealing with grief and loss. This means getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and engaging in activities that bring you joy. It’s also important to take time for self-care, investing time in meditation, exercise, or hobbies that help you relax.

Connect with Others
Connecting with others who have experienced similar losses can be helpful when dealing with grief. You can join a support group or connect with others online who have gone through similar experiences. Having a community of support can help you feel less alone and provide comfort and understanding.

Loss of Friendship
The loss of a friendship can also be a difficult experience for students. It’s important to remember that it’s okay to grieve the loss of a friendship, and that it’s a natural part of life. You can talk to a school counsellor or trusted adult about your feelings, and try to connect with others who share your interests or hobbies.

Divorce can also be a challenging experience for students. It’s important to remember that you are not alone and that many other students have gone through similar experiences. You can talk to a school counsellor or trusted adult about your feelings, and try to maintain a positive relationship with both parents.

For Parents:

Listen and Validate
When your child is dealing with grief and loss, it’s important to listen actively and validate their feelings and emotions. Let your child know that it’s okay to feel sad, angry, or confused and that you are there to support them.

Be Patient
Grief is a process, and it can take time for your child to process their emotions. Be patient and understanding, and let your child take the time they need to grieve. Encourage them to talk to a school counsellor or mental health professional if they need additional support.

Provide Stability and Routine
During times of grief, it can be helpful to provide stability and routine for your child. This means sticking to regular schedules for meals, sleep, and schoolwork, and providing opportunities for relaxation and self-care.

Loss of Friendship
The loss of a friendship can also be a difficult experience for children. It’s important to listen actively to your child’s feelings, and provide them with opportunities to connect with others who share their interests or hobbies.

Divorce can also be a challenging experience for children. It’s important to maintain a positive relationship with both parents and avoid putting children in the middle of any conflicts. Encourage your child to talk to a school counsellor or trusted adult about their feelings, and provide them with stability and routine during this difficult time.

Dealing with grief and loss can be a challenging and emotional experience, but it’s important to remember that support is available. As a school counsellor, I am here to provide support and guidance to students and their families.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need assistance or support.